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Presentation of Mary

Photo: ‘Presentation of Mary in the Temple’ taken from the left side of the main altar in St. Matthias’ Church, Budapest (officially called the Church of Our Lady), courtesy of Sr. Anne Codd).

“She who was blessed because she believed, sees blossom from her faith a new future and awaits God’s tomorrow with expectation”.  – Pope Francis

According to the story, Mary’s parents, Joachim and Anne, who had been without children, received a heavenly message that they would bear a child. When a girl was born, the parents went in thanksgiving to the Temple in Jerusalem to consecrate her to God.

Other versions of the story say that Mary was brought to the Temple about the age of 3 in fulfilment of a vow by her parents, and she was to remain there to be prepared for her future role as the Mother of God.

Presentation people, all over the world, celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple on the 21st November each year.

After Nano Nagle’s death the congregation was renamed and those closest to Nano chose the title of ‘The Congregation of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary’  because they knew that she had a great devotion to the ancient feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple.

I remember also reading once that this consecration of Mary to God represented all the conditions of the most perfect sacrifice: it was prompt, generous, joyous, unregretted, without reservation.

Almighty and ever living God,
today we honour the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
whose hidden life brings light and warmth to the Church in every place.
Her presentation in the temple at Jerusalem reveals her as a temple
where God truly lives among us.
May Mary’s example give us the strength to radiate that light and warmth to the Church,
and help us to be dwelling places of God’s joyful presence on Earth.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.


(Prayer by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB)

Note about Matthias Church Budapest:  Matthias Church is one of the finest churches in Budapest, and one of the most unique churches in Europe. It is unlike many of the typical churches dating back to the Middle Ages.  It was used as a coronation church by Hungarian kings for centuries, and was also used as a mosque for over 150 years by the Ottoman Turks.  Once owned by Franciscans, and  Jesuits, it is now a thriving Catholic church.


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