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A Justice Day Invitation

Racism is a deeply rooted evil. It transcends generations and contaminates societies. It perpetuates inequality, oppression and marginalization. Our duty, as responsible global citizens, is to eradicate it.

Wherever we see racism, we must condemn it with-out reservation, without hesitation, without qualification. This includes looking into our own hearts and minds. Each of us needs to ask: Am I and my society racist? And what must I do to correct it”?
~ UN Secretary-General António Guterres, (See UN Gen. Assembly’s – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2021).

Our NE Province Justice Day – 17th April, 2021

Theme: “Racism, Inequality and Inclusion”.

Addressing racism is not a one-time exercise. Racism is a complex cultural phenomenon. To fight it we have to be proactively anti-racist. As societies become ever more multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural, we need greater social, political, cultural and economic invest-ment in inclusivity and cohesion. We need to harness the benefits of diversity rather than perceiving it as a threat.

The Province’s  Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission have chosen the theme for this year’s Justice Day as “Racism, Inequality and Inclusion”. The speakers include Dr. Kevin Hargaden, Director of the Jesuit Centre for Faith & Justice and Mr. Paul Frecklington, Project Coordinator of ARD Family Resource Centre, Doughiska, Galway. There will also be the opportunity for a panel discussion.

Mr. Brian O’Toole, Director of the Presentation Sisters Inter-provincial Justice Desk for Ireland and England, will be the Event Moderator.

About this Event


To give an opportunity to:

  • critically evaluate self-awareness;
  • care for ourselves and the earth;
  • give a sense of what people can do when included or given a voice.


Dr Kevin Hargaden is the Social Theologian and Director of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, a research centre based in Dublin 1 dedicated to considering contemporary questions of social justice in the light of the gospel, with a particular focus on environmental care, housing and homelessness, and penal policy. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church in Lucan. His most recent book is a theological examination of the death of the Celtic Tiger entitled ‘Christian Ethics in a Neoliberal Age’. He lives in Maynooth with his wife, Claire, a prison chaplain and their toddler son, Eamonn.

Mr. Paul Frecklington is the Project Coordinator of ARD Family Resource Centre, Doughiska, Galway, which was found to be the most culturally diverse community in the country (Project Lifecourse 2015). Prior to current pandemic restrictions ARD Family Resource Centre received over 1,500 visitors per week to take part in over 80 courses/classes/events per week.

Paul recently completed a thesis entitled “The Importance and Potential of a Collaborative Family Support Approach Within a Super Diverse Community”. It is considered that the data and narratives that Paul has unique access,  present an ideal opportunity for further research. Paul is now three years into a PhD Research Project entitled “Parent-Adolescent Relationships in a Super Diverse Setting: An Exploratory Study.”

Event Moderator: Brian O’ Toole

Brian currently the Director of  the Presentation Justice Desk for Ireland and England. He is also an International Presentation Association (IPA) Justice Contact and his work is concerns both local and global issues that are reflective of the IPA commitments. He is a former Primary School Vice Principal in Dublin’s City Centre and is the current chairperson of the Community After Schools Project in the North East Inner City of Dublin, a project committed to those students and parents who are furthest behind in terms of their ability to access educational opportunities

About the day

Venue: Webinar on Zoom (online)

Date: Saturday, 17th April 2021

Time: Starting 11 am (prompt) and finishing at 1.30pm

How to book

This event is free of charge. However, it is essential to book your place to facilitate planning. This can be done by registering HERE on | Eventbrite or by contacting Mariaam Bhatti, NEP JPIC Commission Support Worker anepjustice@presprone.com or by phone T: 01 416 6122 (Tuesdays before 12pm & Fridays 8am-6pm).

Please share this invitation widely with individuals and groups you think may be interested in participating.

See Justice action updates | Page 2 of 4 | Presentation Sisters Union North East Ireland (presentationsistersne.ie)

and find out about Nano Nagle and her work for Justice see  Life lived on the ‘Razor’s Edge’ | Presentation Sisters Union North East Ireland (presentationsistersne.ie)


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