Christmas is the ‘Good News’ that never becomes old. It seems quite timely then to revisit the re-telling of this news in a rather special poem written quite some years ago (Christmas 1978) by Sr. Raphael Consedine, pbvm. The words continue to echo in our lives as deep down in their simplicity as they express Presentation Life and the core of Nano’s life with those kept poor. It is the ‘News’ we need to hear right now wherever we find ourselves and those around us, and in whatever circumstance of life challenges us to act.
And the Word became flesh (Et Verbum Caro Factum Est)
We do not need to seek for him
in starry veils of blinding light.
He came and shared our commonness:
our need for sleep, for food, for rest,
the heat, the rain, the cold, the dust,
the sweat of toil, the pride of work,
the simple passing words of friends,
anxiety and hope and fear,
life’s laughter and its unshed tears.
His hand on all common things,
and they are pregnant with His life.
The very stones cry out His name
Each cup of water brims His love,
and broken bread proclaims the mystery.
~ Raphael Consedine, pbvm – (Songs of the Journey)