Presentation Sisters have a “culture of vocations” within the congregation. This means that everyone has a sense of responsibility for nurturing and supporting the seeds of vocation in all who approach the community as enquirers, searchers and discerners. In our community settings there is an opportunity to hear the stories of those who have lived Presentation life through the ups ...
Read More »News
Health of the Sick
Tuesday, February 11 2020 is World Day of the Sick an observation started by Pope John Paul II as a way for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses. The day coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. On this day people around the world take the time to pray for the health of the sick and for ...
Read More »At the crossroads with Brigid
We are at a ‘crossroads’ halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox on February 1st. A crossroads can be a good place to stop and refuel for the journey onward and outwards, and we can do this in no better company than that of Brigid whose feast day is on this day (Lá Fhéile Bríde). Brigid never ceases to ...
Read More »Word of God Sunday
Word of God Sunday is on Sunday 26th January 2020, falling close to the Day of Dialogue between Jews and Catholics and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It is a new annual observance announced by Pope Francis last year on 30 September 2019 on the Feast of St Jerome, the fifth-century saint who translated the Bible from Greek ...
Read More »Unusual Kindness
It is less than one week until the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020 begins (WPCU). This is a week during which Christians come together to pray for their unity. Congregations and parishes all over the world exchange preachers or arrange special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services. Traditionally the week of prayer is celebrated between 18–25 January, between the ...
Read More »Recycling is not the solution
I read an article this morning by John Vidal in the Guardian Newspaper and recognised immediately with some relief that it is actually naming ‘the proverbial elephant in the room’ stating what we deep down all know to be true. In general, in the midst of long-term crises, we can often find it easier to keep doing the same thing ...
Read More »A world in prayer
When we listen to the News broadcasts shared from across the world oft times we can remain with a sense of helplessness, overwhelmed by the suffering of humanity on so many levels, especially if the news is of personal, community or national tragedy, climate disasters, world migration and poverty? What is there to do? How can we respond (without delaying) ...
Read More »Always ‘Good News’
Christmas is the ‘Good News’ that never becomes old. It seems quite timely then to revisit the re-telling of this news in a rather special poem written quite some years ago (Christmas 1978) by Sr. Raphael Consedine, pbvm. The words continue to echo in our lives as deep down in their simplicity as they express Presentation Life and the core ...
Read More »Gratitude and blessings
A new year and a new opportunity to be grateful and feel blessed. The seasonal rhythm from Autumn and Winter into Spring (from, darkness to light) and old year into new, is an opportunity to stop, recognise, gather and appreciate the fruits and treasure of the year past – the outcomes of a life journey. A journey that the feast ...
Read More »The door is always open
Each year as Christmas approaches it seems that one becomes more and more sensitised to the contrast between the ‘commercial frenzy on the streets and in the shops’ and the seemingly ever growing numbers of people who are challenged by life circumstances to the extent that their problems seem insurmountable, and the only way is ‘downwards’. They become part of ...
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