‘The persistent work of Catholic sisters against human trafficking continues, as the world focuses today on efforts to stop the exploitation of humans for cheap labour and sex’ – says Chris Herlinger in his article in the Global Sisters Report today. (see full content of this article on link below). On today (30th June) UN World Day against Human Trafficking, ...
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Season of Creation
From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world will unite to pray and care for creation. It is the “Season of Creation,” and it is happening from Paris to Pittsburgh, Pretoria to La Paz. The theme for this year’s celebration is “walking together”. There are endless ways as a community to show you are on a journey towards better ...
Read More »Summer time
Summertime this year has been marked by the light and heat of the sun. The days are longer and warmer than we could ever imagine for an Irish summer. In ancient cultures, people were closely connected to the seasonal cycles and rhythms. Noticing and responding to the different ‘beat’ of each season can enable us not only to flow with ...
Read More »Peace in Nicaragua
Violence has racked the country of Nicaragua since April 18th. More than 360 people have died in conflict between forces of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and opposition protesters, who are calling for his resignation. President Ortega has been in power since 2007 and is on his third mandate, along with his wife Rosario Murillo, the Vice President. Yet it has all ...
Read More »Each journey one step beyond
Today, on what would be Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday, we remember Nelson Mandela and the people of South Africa. There are a great many quotations from Mandela’s life and writings that we are all familiar with. I have chosen this quotation because it has the recognition of journey and moving forward as an essential part of life. It also reminded me of ...
Read More »Nano’s Letters – A Digital Collection
In this digital age handwritten letters are a precious and rare thing, and even more precious, because of this rarity. Letters continue to communicate the considerations, thought and care of the author even years after, to a different readership from that originally intended. There is something incredibly moving that happens each time one sees the penned signature from the hand ...
Read More »Political connectedness
We are constantly exposed to a political agenda. Indeed, there is an ongoing debacle in the media worldwide in recent days on the fall-out from the post Brexit vote discussions and resignations in the UK parliament, and the post Trump Press conference analysis on Russian-American relations. This reflects a seemingly growing preoccupation with ‘power and personality’ and the ‘power of ...
Read More »Fossil Fuel Divestment
The passing of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill on the afternoon of Thursday 12th July 2018, has made history. Ireland is the first country in the world to commit to withdrawing public money invested in fossil fuels, the industry which is contributing most to climate change. This Bill will stop public money being invested against the public interest, and it sends ...
Read More »Taking time off
It is that time of year when all of a sudden, almost in the space of a breath a discernible gap of space and stillness descends, and we have stepped over what seemed like a forever extending line of activity, to another place. It is summer, with the novelty and pleasure of balmy light filled days and warm evenings. This ...
Read More »Water in the desert
Somehow I was pointed to this News piece in the midst of the flood of media coverage on the hardships and issues endured by the ongoing movement of people’s, particularly Migrants and Immigrants and Displaced Peoples. It can be very easy to almost unconsciously mainstream and normalise this information into the background of our lives ‘as just another part of ...
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