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Sacred Heart of Jesus
Image: Detail from Wall Art, 'Heart Aflame' Visitor Ctr., Co. Laois.

Feast of the Sacred Heart

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is today, Friday 11th June.  Jesus specifically asked St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that “the Friday after the Octave of Corpus Christi be set apart for a special Feast to honour My Heart.” (Apparitions – 1673 & 1675)

We know that the day to day ministry and social advocacy of Nano Nagle with those ‘made poor’, was rooted in, and expressed through her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  For this ‘Woman of Welcoming Heart’, devotion to the Sacred Heart was central to her spirituality. (see Ch.7 : page 45 – ‘The Story of Nano Nagle: A Life Lived on the Razor’s Edge’, Sr. Anne Lyons, pbvm).

This booklet concludes:

“‘We all exist only for this – to be the human place God has chosen for his presence, his manifestation, his epiphany’ (Thomas Merton*).  We are carriers of God’s dream, unique and irrepeatable for every living being, for the fertile earth and for the mysterious universe”.  (see Ch.9 : page 60 – ‘The Story of Nano Nagle: A Life Lived on the Razor’s Edge’, Sr. Anne Lyons, pbvm).

How does this statement touch your heart?

A Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

You have shown us the way to the Father,
and sent the Holy Spirit to guide us.
We ask you to inspire us to act
in this time of need.

Bless and protect the vulnerable.
Give hope to all,
and fill our hearts with confidence in your Divine Mercy.

Be our joy in the midst of suffering,
and our stability in the midst of uncertainty.

We seek your forgiveness.
We need your boundless love
to inform our concrete love for all humanity.

Protect us from all harm.
Forgive our sins
and ease our sufferings.

Grant healing and peace to all who are ill.
Strengthen our faith,
and help us to give witness to your love.

You are our refuge.
You are our comfort.
You are our hope.

Through the intercession of Mary,
we come to your Most Sacred Heart,
and beseech your protection and blessing.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in you.

Note:* (Thomas Merton, The Living Bread, 147)

See also Heart speaks to Heart | Presentation Sisters Union North East Ireland (presentationsistersne.ie)

The ‘Heart Aflame’ Visitor Centre (located in the grounds of Mount St. Anne’s Retreat and Conference Centre, Killenard, Portarlington, Co. Laois, in what was the remaining stable block) was designed, supported and developed by Presentation Sisters Union (North East Province, Ireland) through the shared creative vision of a team of Sisters and designers in collaboration with the architect. See ‘Heart Aflame’ Visitor Centre | Presentation Sisters Union North East Ireland (presentationsistersne.ie)

(Please take note:  At present, Covid-19 Government Restrictions are in place – so that the Centre is not currently open to the public). 


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