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Nano’s Echo Newsletters

A newsletter to connect everyone who feels drawn to Nano Nagle. A sharing of ideas and a deepening of understanding Nano and her impact on our lives – locally and globally.

Nano’s Echo – A Newsletter of the Friends of Nano

Nano’s Echo is a Newsletter of the Friends of Nano.  At the heart of our movement lies:

  • A partnership with the Divine: we attend to God each day and our actions are informed by that commitment.
  • A passion for the poorest: we stand with the poorest in society.
  • A covenant with creation: honouring all of creation, we live and promote sustainable lives.

Nano’s Echo is a Spirit-led initiative of the International Congregation of Presentation Sisters (Union) which celebrates and promotes the charism of Nano Nagle in new and creative ways

September 2024 Issue

In this new issue of Nano’s Echo, we are delighted to introduce the new International Animator for Friends of Nano, Karen Sacre.  Karen is the Coordinator for PBVM Union Friends of Nano in America.  You may recognise her as a contributor to Nano’s Echo. Her long association with Presentation began as a student at school and formalized in 2012 when she became an Associate.

Every Friday, Karen participates in the Interfaith Welcome Coalition ministry for asylum seekers passing through her city. She has lived and worked in many different countries and cultures, and taught English as a second language, so she is a great communicator who understands the needs of our rich diversity. Karen will serve a three-year term which will start 01 October 2024 and finish 30 September 2027. She has already started fine-tuning the way we communicate with each other, making it easier when there are changes to the leadership team. You may have noticed there has been an e-mail address change. You may reach her at FONAnimator@gmail.com. Thank you, Karen, for accepting the role and we wish you blessings in abundance and assure you of our unconditional support.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude, to Mary-Ann Greaney for so generously giving of her time and talents to ensure the flourishing of the Friends of Nano across the globe.  Mary Anne has been International Animator of the Friends of Nano from October 2021 for the past three years. We are aware that Mary-Ann could not do this alone and we are deeply grateful for all who got involved in the Animation, Communications, Formation and the Promotion work of the FON International Animation Team.  We wish Mary-Ann every blessing as she finishes in this role at the end of September 2024, but continuing very much to share her Light and Wisdom in the next phase of this animation journey.

You can read read the current issue of Nano’s Echo HERE: Nano’s Echo September 2024

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September 2023 Issue

This September Issue of the Newsletter (alongside other initiatives) shares and celebrates through reflections the gift and inspirations arising from the coming together at the 8th International Presentation Association Assembly (IPA) in St. John’s, Newfoundland. (The IPA Assembly is held every held every 5 years).  The theme for this Assembly was: “Listen! God of the universe beckons.” 

As Carrie Hansen reflects, “The theme…intrigued and drew me in but it did not prepare me for the depth of meaning and emotion that being present brought.”

A recurrent phrase throughout the week was “We are all IPA” which, as Anne Young stipulates, “is to acknowledge that Presentation people are one global community, interconnected in story and spirit, responsive to people and planet.” As a host organizer, Deirdre Greene Lono observes, “This incredible experience afforded unique insight into Presentation culture and how it manifests in widely varied ethnic contexts.”

See Nano’s Echo Sept 2023

If reading online using the Heyzine tool orientate to landscape view for a better reading experience.

Nano Nagle as boundary breaker

In the September 2022 issue of Nano’s Echo (see below) Caroline Thompson Australia contributed an article where she looks at Nano Nagle in her historical and social context.

.. it is clear that she was a woman who was prepared to break boundaries, to challenge existing prejudices and to think differently about the poverty which beset those made poor in Cork. While Nano lived in a very different world from our own, she gifts us ways of thinking and acting which can enrich our way of being Presentation today”.  Let’s look at a few of these:

Nano entered the poverty of her time.  She didn’t stand at a safe distance, writing letters or donating money – she went into the humble tenements, she walked the dangerous and filthy streets, she embraced the frail elderly, she welcomed the children.  She became poor with them and for them.  Nano challenges us to be with those who struggle – to go out!

Nano nurtured relationships. Despite the dangers of her educational enterprise, she was protected by those who saw the good in her work. Her family, the merchants and shopkeepers of the city, her benefactors, other charitable groups, her Franciscan friends and many more. Nano reminds us that we are stronger together – to seek out companions!

Nano was grateful for what she had. She didn’t bemoan the limits of her work or her lack of resources. She appreciated the importance of making a difference to one person at a time. Her kindness changed lives. Imagine how the lonely elderly would have felt as they saw her lantern heading towards them in the gloom? Nano insists that presence and kindness are the beginning and ending of all that we do.

Nano knew the power of hope. She couldn’t end poverty, oppression and violence but she could hold out hope for the future. The education of a child, especially a girl, was an investment in hope for an entire family, a community and a nation. Nano places hope at the centre of God’s mission and her work.

Nano was unconventional. Nano saw her world through a different lens. She was unafraid to walk different paths. She cared little for what others thought of her. She shrugged off criticism and hostility. Nano reassures us that being fearlessly countercultural is the Gospel way.

Humble, grateful, hopeful, relational and unconventional. These hallmarks of Nano’s work are guideposts for the Presentation journey in our very different contemporary contexts. Wherever we are in the world, we are called to respond to poverty and other social injustices. Nano reminds us that we are responding first and foremost to people. Keeping the individual human faces of injustice at the forefront of our work will enrich our way of being Presentation today.

May Nano’s way of seeing the world inspire our own Presentation work

Caroline Thompson Australia (Nano’s Echo – September 2022)

Back in circulation

“It has been several years since the last Nano’s Echo was produced. It is a pleasure to re-launch the newsletter where the focus will be for us to tell our stories. We are creating our own history daily by the quality of our presence, the way we live our lives, and the actions and activities we engage in”.  So writes Mary-Ann Greaney in the December 2020 Issue which we are delighted to welcome back”!!  So writes Mary-Ann Greaney in the introduction to the December 2020 issue. You can download the current issue of Nano’s Echo using the links below.

Nano’s Echo Dec 2020

Nano’s Echo October 2021

Nano’s Echo March 2022

Nano’s Echo June 2022

Nano’s Echo September 2022

You can also read the current September issue online below:


Earlier Editions

Nano’s Echo Advent 2017

Nano’s Echo – July 2017

Nano’s Echo – March 2017

Nano’s Echo – December 2016

Nano’s Echo – August 2016

Nano’s Echo – June 2016

Nano’s Echo – March 2016

Nano’s Echo – December 2015

Nano’s Echo – August 2015

Nano’s Echo – June 2015

Nano’s Echo – March 2015

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