Working for change to sustain people and earth

Just a flavour of the 8th IPA Assembly 2023 – St. John’s Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.
It would be impossible to share any one element of these days, but you can access a sense of the momentous value of this time by visiting the International Presentation Association (IPA) website at alongside the various media postings shared on our communications platforms during these days. The images speak for themselves.
Heartfelt gratitude to all who worked so hard to make this material so immediately available.
In the following days and weeks update material will be shared here as it becomes available.
See also We Are All IPA!
An IPA—Action Update
“Listen! God of the Universe beckons…”.

Image: Logo for the 8th IPA Assembly in St John’s Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, June 2023.
As we journey together towards the 8th International Presentation Association (IPA) Assembly taking place in St. John’s Newfoundland, & Labrador, Canada, from 18th to 24th June 2023, we give thanks for the foresight, wisdom and commitment of those founding Sisters who saw the value of a global voice for Justice.
The International Presentation Association (IPA) came into existence thirty years ago when, in a spirit of contemplation the three global units of Presentation Sisters who met together, were overwhelmingly convinced that they could do more together than alone. This led to the formation of the International Presentation Association in 1988.
In the words of the Executive Director of the IPA, Sr. Ann Marie Quinn referring to this 8th Assembly gathering:
“With the Spirit of Nano beckoning us, we gather to strengthen bonds and deepen our commitment to act justly, conscious of the urgency of our times”.
Today, the IPA continues to expand in influence, in no small way, through its networking and collaborations at the United Nations, where the IPA has been accredited with Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 1999. This recognition gives Sisters working at community level, a global platform to be a more effective ‘voice for the voiceless’. They act as a global consciousness expanded to embrace a deeper understanding of the relationship between vulnerable communities and the environment.
The IPA Assemblies are vital in providing a forum for IPA Members and Presentation People around the world to foster unity and enable collaboration to further the mission of the IPA.
The theme for this 8th IPA Assembly is:
“Listen! God of the Universe beckons…”.
Prayer for IPA Assembly 2023
God of the Universe …
In this time of great vulnerability throughout our world
you beckon us to create space to engage in deep listening.May we listen to you in silence.
May we open our hearts to listen to the voices of one another
and may we listen to all of Creation with wonder and respect.In our listening may we be guided to:
– speak courageously,
– love inclusively,
– imagine creatively,and co-create a more peaceful
and just world
that flows from living
a spirituality of being in communion.Amen