A new year and a new opportunity to be grateful and feel blessed. The seasonal rhythm from Autumn and Winter into Spring (from, darkness to light) and old year into new, is an opportunity to stop, recognise, gather and appreciate the fruits and treasure of the year past – the outcomes of a life journey. A journey that the feast of Christmas reminds us ‘is never just all about us’, but more about ‘us’ in relationship – God with us. It is this relationship with Life that can open us to gratitude and blessings.
Blessing for the Fullness of This Day
I bless this day in the fullness of good it already contains,
in the many occasions it offers to listen deeply,
to be of service to others,
to express gratitude moment by moment
and to keep my mind so filled with love, beauty and joy
that no negativity can find even the tiniest crack in which to set foot.
I bless this day in the infinite opportunities it gives me to love:
to love and bless every human I meet,
every beast or bird I pass by,
every plant I behold,
for all are but the manifold expressions of the infinite Life that under-girds all.
Truly, I bless this day for the wonderful adventure it can become
as I walk through it with the eyes of wonder rather than boredom,
use every opportunity to express peace rather than irritation,
and chose love over fear.
Thank you, Life, for this day.
– Pierre Pradervand (The Gentle Art of Blessing)
Note: Pierre Pradervand has worked for decades in personal development social justice. His has worked on nearly every continent. As a speaker and workshop facilitator, Pierre often gives talks on the topic of how to live differently. See HERE