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Hear Creation's Cry

Hear Creation’s Cry

The following is a brief extract from a reflection written by Fr. Yannick Essengue, SJ called ‘Hear Creation’s Cry’ as part of the Laudato Si’ Movement’s monthly prayer guide for May 2024.  You can read the full reflection at this link HERE

Also included below are some beautiful and inspiring questions for reflection.

All these days, we walk with the risen Christ who on Easter morning rose with the sun, and each day rises with a new day for humanity, like entering into a new creation. God’s plan is fulfilled in all its magnitude. [ … ]

For us, Mary Mother of Creation is also Mary Mother of the Poor. Mary is thus the extension of that ancient promise made to Abraham, the first believer: “In you will all the families of the earth be blessed” (Gen 28:14), for she is indeed the one blessed among all women (cf. Lk 1:42).

We Pray: 

Mary, Mother of the Resurrected Christ and witness to the light of the first morning of the New Creation, through your Son, obtain for us the breath of life, obtain for us the grace of the blessed fruit of your womb to raise the new wave. The wave that will carry us on the wings of faith towards the Risen One who is ascending towards heaven, carrying with him the cries of suffering souls, bruised by injustice, exploitation, and misery, where we will finally be able to burn with the same desire for the One who is and who burns without being consumed.

Pointers for reflection

  • The month of May in the Catholic Church is often the month that churches across the world dedicate to reflecting on our blessed mother and mother of Christ, Mary. How is your relationship with Mary? Reflect on how she is a witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ and, therefore, witness to the Good News for all of creation.
  • In Laudato Si’, n. 241, Pope Francis calls Mary the Queen of all creation and offers some reflections on her maternal affection for this wounded world. When you and your community reflect on the cries of the Earth and the poor, do you consider how these pierce Mary’s heart? Think about the pain of a mother who watches the great work of her son being destroyed. How would you comfort such a mother?
  • Despite all the pain and violence that Mary witnessed in her son’s life, she was able to see the glory of the resurrection and become a witness of love and new life. How may the Resurrected Christ be calling you to witness love and new life where you are right now, even amidst pain and injustices? Ask Mary to “enable us to look at this world with eyes of wisdom” (LS 241).

Fr. Yannick Essengue is Jesuit from Cameroon, on a mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He works as an Assistant Director of CERC, a research centre. He is a PhD Candidate in codirection between Jean Jaurès University of Toulouse and Marien Ngouabi University of Brazzaville. He is a Laudato Si’ Animator and a Trainer of Trainers.

If you prefer, you can download this resource in PDF format by clicking here.

See also https://presentationsistersne.ie/hear-creations-song/

And See papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si Laudato Si FULL TEXT



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