“In the name of Mary our salvation began, and as we listen and respond to God, who calls each of us by name, we do our unique part for the building of the Kingdom of Love.
The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary reminds us that Love always expresses itself in relation to the individual and not just to the general. … We are known and named in the mind of God, and loved into being so that our little names may express the Divine Name in an infinite number of unique ways. … This way is our vocation, our calling, and is unique to each of us. The name given to Mary (Miryam) indicates just how special her vocation will be”.
[Note: A prayer from the book: “When Mary Becomes Cosmic: Jungian & Mystical Path to the Divine Feminine” by David Richo. The book offers an appreciation of the cosmic dimensions of Mary through the “Litany of Loreto.” Published 2016 Paulist Press.]In the name of Mary …
Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I serve you with all my powers and gifts.
This is why I have them.
May I show everyone in my life and in the world around me
Your royal road of love.May your presence in my life help me let go of my ego
With all its arrogance and with all the fear that drives it.
May I depose that empty power in favour of the real power in life
Which is to place my gifts at your service.I offer myself as completely as I can in this moment.
I want to be a courier of your gentle and guiding love in the world.Rule my mind with wisdom when I am overcome by confusion.
Let my mind be a conduit of your truth.
Rule my body with clear purpose when I am at the mercy of untamed impulses.
Let my body be an instrument of your freedom.
Rule my soul with healing when I am depressed and forlorn.
Let my soul be a channel of your joy.
Rule my heart with love when I am afraid to love fully.Be the queen and guide of my life.
Thank you Br. Richard for sharing this piece on Instagram: HERE