Image: (L-R : back) Srs. Anne Marie Farragher, Frances Murphy, Concepta O’Brien (L-R : front) Srs. Lillie O’Reilly, Grace Redmond and Mary Hanrahan.
On the 7th May 2020 the new Provincial Leadership Team for the North East Province was announced.
We warmly welcome:
Provincial Leader: Sr. Mary Hanrahan and Council Members: Srs. Grace Redmond (Assistant Provincial Leader), Anne Marie Farragher, Frances Murphy, Concepta O’Brien and Lillie O’ Reilly.
From the Vision Statement, of the Leadership Team (August 2020)
Living in these times of great uncertainty
We dwell in possibility
Faithful to the promise of the fullness of life.
“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full”. (John 10:10)
Called to live as consecrated women, we strive to witness to joyful, reflective, compassionate service, constantly calling ourselves to be aware of, and where possible to help those who find themselves on the edge, forgotten and neglected.
“The quality of our presence, our prayerfulness, and the gift of our lives, are of untold value for Presentation life and mission” ~ Our Way of Life, C11.
We are sustained in our commitment by our contemplative practices, and our life and relationships in community.
Together with Presentation People everywhere, we continue to share in the dream of Nano Nagle (Founder of the Presentation Congregation) to:
Live Contemplatively ~ Walk Lightly on the Earth ~ Witness Prophetically
(Our Congregational Gathering, (CG2018).
We thank Anne Marie, Concepta, Frances, Grace, Lillie and Mary, for accepting leadership of the province at this time and we wish them every blessing in their new roles.
Our Way of Life
The call to communion in life and mission
is rooted in the Gospel.It gives shape to our understanding
of leadership in the Congregation
as spiritual, relational, and organisational.Believing that the Spirit is manifest in each of us,
we recognise that
leadership is exercised among us
in many ways for the good of
the whole community of life.Our Way of Life, C43