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Let Us Pray Together

Let Us Pray Together

“The path to Christian unity and the path of synodal conversion of the Church are linked. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that on Saturday 30 September, an ecumenical prayer vigil will be held on St. Peter’s Square, with which we will entrust the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. For the young people coming to the vigil, there will be a special programme throughout that weekend, entrusted to the Taizé community. As of now, I invite brothers and sisters of all Christian denominations to participate in this “Gathering of the People of God.” (Pope Francis, January 2023).

Let Us Pray Together

To enable as many people as possible to take part in this ecumenical prayer vigil, the teams of “Vatican Media” will be broadcasting live between 4.30pm and 6pm the programme leading up to the vigil, and then from 6pm to 7pm the prayer presided over by Pope Francis, in the presence of Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Justin Welby, the General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, Rev. Anne Burghardt, and many church leaders from different denominations.

On the Vatican Media YouTube channel it will be possible to follow the entire programme in eight languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish and Arabic. A number of television and radio channels will also be broadcasting the prayer vigil live. See the latest video messages for #Together23 Gathering of the People of God  https://www.youtube.com/@Together23

Speaking at a press conference in the Vatican earlier this month, Sr. Nathalie Becquart, Undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod, said that the central goal of the vigil is to entrust the Synod to the Holy Spirit. At the same time, she said, it will demonstrate “commitment to unity and peace in this world torn apart by so many divisions”, as well as “the importance of prayer” for the unity of all Christians.  (The 16th General Assembly of the Synod  is taking place in the Vatican, 4-29 October). The programme for the Vigil will include listening to the Word of God, praise and intercession, Taizé songs and silence.

The following are the useful links to the latest about the event on social media platforms: Facebook / Instagram: @30Sept2023 #Together2023 ; and on X (formerly known as Twitter): @Together2023

A celebration of gratitude

Before Saturday’s prayer vigil, from 5 to 6 pm, there will be a celebration of gratitude centred on four gifts, namely:

  • gratitude for the gift of unity and for the synodal journey;
  • gratitude for the gift of the other;
  • gratitude for the gift of peace;
  • and gratitude for the gift of the Creation.

As the Churches are celebrating the Season of Creation, St. Peter’s Square will also be full, of trees and flowers, as well as the San Damiano Cross of St. Francis.

In the same spirit, more than 200 prayer points have been organised across the world, on or around, 30 September, with Christians from different Churches sharing prayer and reflection together in their own countries. By sharing the same songs and Bible readings as we pray in many different places, we give a very strong sign of communion. You can of course adapt the songs to include ones known in your locality, while still  maintaining a meditative and reflective nature for the prayer. It would be great to invite leaders of your local Churches to come together for this prayer vigil, as well as members of their congregations.

Let Us Pray …

Holy Spirit, breath of Pentecost, you send us to proclaim Christ and to welcome into our communities those who do not yet know him. Come down, we pray, upon the participants of the Synod and upon all who are present, filling them with your wisdom and courage in order to be servants of communion and bold witnesses of your forgiveness in today’s world!


Useful links:

See Suggested content for Prayer Vigils around the world

And Together2023 – Latest News

Vatican News – Ecumenical Prayer Vigil is drawing near

The Church’s Radical Reform: Tablet Christopher Lamb Podcast LinkFirst Anglican Prior of Taize talks about Christian Unity and the Synod

Gathering Together Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/30Sept2023

For details of prayers being held in Britain and Ireland (and elsewhere in the world) as a sign of communion with those gathered in Rome for the «Together» vigil on Saturday 30 September, see: HERE

See Holy Spirit You Are With Us!

See Taize website

Listen to ‘Adsumus Sancte Spiritus’ was especially composed by the Taizé Community, for ‘Together | Gathering of the people of God’, the ecumenical prayer vigil being held in Rome as well as in over a hundred locations around the world on 30 September 2023.
Every session of the Second Vatican Council began with the prayer Adsumus Sancte Spiritus, the first word of the Latin original meaning, “We stand before You, Holy Spirit,”.  The full text of the song is a prayer attributed to St Isidore of Seville (c. 560 – 4 April 636) and has a long history: used at various Councils, Synods and other meetings throughout the history of the Church. This provisional recording was made in the Church of Reconciliation in Taizé, and sung by volunteers for #Together2023.


👉 Watch in full on YouTube: https://youtu.be/dSGF04wdHzw

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