About CG2018
The first phase of the Congregational Gathering of the Presentation Sisters (Union) (CG2018) takes place in Cork from 19 – 26 April, with the second phase taking place in Dublin from 29 April – 14 May 2018.
Communications from CG2018 will include:
- Information sent by the Congregational Gathering Secretary by email to all Communities
- Photographs & Daily Reflections, select recordings & live-streaming of parts of the Gathering will be posted on a specially developed website for the CG2018. This link will be live early April (cg2018pbvm.org/reflection-page/).
- Short updates on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter).
The CG2018 website is now live.
When you follow the link above, you can immediately select the ‘Reflections’ Tab at the top of the Home Page to access the menu for each days brief update/reflection.
There is also a wonderful photo gallery and videos of the Opening Ceremony etc., available with content updated regularly, thanks to each member of the Communications team on the ground there, we can really be linked at a distance.
Prayer for the Congregational Gathering
Be still, be silent before our God.
Reflect on the logo.
Remember the call you heard to the Presentation Way of Life.
Remember who Nano is for you.God of love and compassion.
As we step out in faith and hope
On our journey
Towards the ninth Congregational Gathering
We thank you for the gift of your Spirit
Which set Nano aflame.We pray that she will continue to stoke our passion
So we, too, will become a vibrant fire
Radiating love
As we continue to live in communion
With all God’s creation,
Especially those made poor.God of the journeys, be with us.