“If we believe, that we, members of the Presentation family have been gifted in differing ways with sharing in that original divine shaft of energy which Nano received, and if we believe that we continue to sing her particular song in the Church and in the world, then certain things follow.
The first is that we have a responsibility for doing ‘all in our power’ to ensure that the song does not stop with us.
Her [Nano Nagle’s] song once filled the slums of Cork city – surely ‘an alien soil’ to one accustomed to the luxury of the Parisian court – and the song has endured to this day. Her human voice is stilled, but her song continues to echo in the lives of her spiritual family. Dare we allow it to fall silent in the ‘alien soil’ of our time and place?”.
“The Gospel was Nano’s preoccupation and her focus.
From this came her passion for justice, for healing, for liberation, for ‘any service …in any part of the globe’.
Touching in to the depth and breadth of her gospel vision and translating it into our present cultural milieu is part of today’s challenge for all who walk in her shoes”.
(An extract from:‘The Song Must Not Stop with Us: Investing in the Future of Presentation’
by Sr. Mary T. O’Brien, pbvm (pages 223—233) in the book ‘Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism’ by Bernadette Flanagan, Mary T. O’Brien and Anne M. O’Leary).