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Nano Nagle digital exhibition on Google Arts&Culture platform

Unique digital exhibition Nano Nagle (1718-1784): Tercentenary Exhibition  on Google Arts&Culture platform offers an insight into a research project “Nano Nagle and Nineteenth Century Education, a Digital Humanities Project”. The principal investigator for the project was Deirdre Raftery, School of Education, University College Dublin.



The digital collection comprises of seventeen manuscript letters; the letters are from Nano Nagle to Eleanor Fitzsimons (later Sr. Angela Fitzsimons), an Irish religious novice in Paris, and from Nano Nagle to Teresa Mulally, educator of the poor, in Dublin.


The digital exhibition, a part of UCD Library, provides insight into Nagle’s life, vocation and ambitions, and the early development of her schools in Cork. The letters reference many individuals who played an important role in the development of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or Presentation Sisters, in Ireland.


Enjoy the digital journey by following this link.


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