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Nano Nagle’s way to sainthood

Prayer for the Cause of Nano

O God, Who enkindled in the heart of your servant, Nano Nagle, the fire of your love, and a consuming desire to serve You in any part of the world, grant that we also may love You, and make you much loved. And if it be for the glory of God, and the salvation of souls, grant that soon she may be raised to the altars of your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

The Nano Nagle Cause is the journey taken in the process towards Beatification and Canonisation of Nano Nagle in the Catholic Church.

Nano Nagle was declared Venerable by Pope Francis on 31 October 2013. This was the second step on the path to Sainthood and was achieved in part as a result of tremendous support and background work within the Congregation and from other supporters.

There are four steps in the Canonisation Process:

  • Servant of God is a title given to a person when the Pope gives permission for the opening of the cause of his/her sainthood.
  • A second step declares the person Venerablewhen it is established that the person had practised virtue (theological and cardinal) to a heroic degree.
  • A third stage is a decree permitting the public honouring at the level of the local church of a Servant of God whose virtues to a heroic degree, or martyrdom, have been duly recognised. It is also a recognition that the person can intercede on behalf of individuals who pray in their name. Those reaching this stage are declared Blessed.
  • Canonisation is the definitive decree of admission of a Servant of God among the canon of saints and a declaration that the person should be publicly honoured by the Universal Church.

The next step on the road for Venerable Nano Nagle is Beatification. In order that she be declared Blessed the Congregation for the Causes of Saints needs to approve the attribution of a miracle to Nano’s intercession.

What Constitutes a Possible Miracle?

In the investigation of a physical cure, claimed as a miracle, it is important that the person cured be examined to ascertain the completeness and permanence of the cure.

A reported cure must be studied in its (A) medical and (B) theological aspects.

  In the medical study of an alleged cure the following points need to be proved:

  • that the physical condition (malady) did in fact exist prior to the cure;
  • that the malady no longer exists;
  • that the cure was spontaneous / instantaneous;
  • that it was not brought about by curative medication, or surgery;
  • that it is complete;
  • that it is permanent.

B   In the theological study of an alleged cure it is important to show that the cure is the result of a specific earnest petition for a cure through the intercession of Nano.

Faith and trust in God are essential. The person must believe and pray that, if it is God’s will, he /she will be cured though Nano’s intercession. It is usual that the person is blessed with Nano’s relic. Relatives, friends and the wider community are asked to join in prayer for a cure, remembering the power of praying together (Matthew: 18).

Record Keeping

Keep a record of the circumstances of the cure e.g. your own observations of changes in the patient’s disposition (apart from official medical records). Make a note of time and place, and who was present.

Keep a note of the time of blessing with the relic, when the specific prayer began, who was present, how long it continued.

Bear in mind that medical personnel are not partial to miracles! The question to be asked of the doctor is: Can this cure be explained through medical science?

It is essential that the doctor be convinced that this cure did not arise from medical intervention or through natural causes.

Get in Touch

Further information regarding the cause can be obtained from members of the Nano Nagle Commission, which is an international organisation promoting and supporting the Nano Nagle Cause. The members are Betty Rae (PBVM), Margaret Rosair, Anne Lyons (PBVM) and Veronica Casey (PBVM). To contact the Nano Nagle Commission you can email Veronica Casey at vcasey@xtra.co.nz

The Postulator of the Congregation is Anne Lyons (PBVM) who can be reached by email at postulator@pbvm.org



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