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Spring equniox

Today is the Spring equinox in the Northern hemisphere, and tomorrow (21st) is the Spring Equinox sunrise. The Northern part of the globe has tilted towards the sun, which causes the increasing awakening of life in this part of the world.  At the same time, the opposite thing is happening in the Southern hemisphere, as today for them is Autumn equinox.

At equinoxes the days and nights are of equal length, and it is also the first day of Spring or Autumn.

It seems as if this  exquisite light from the sun today is pointing out all of the detail of emerging nature at its most beautiful (even in the city street).  This  moment of equinox can also move us towards contemplating not just the beauty of every aspect of  life surrounding us,  but at the same time as a natural part of this particular Lenten journey, it can also  open our hearts to connect with the creator of it all.


You can do this without us.

Move the earth through its orbit,
the courses of the stars you keep on track.
The galaxies whose music you orchestrate,
sing from millennium to millennium.

That you can do this without us we so know.
Which is why we are amazed still that you don’t.

Have not left us alone
to navigate through the courses of our lives,
to hold on to this spinning earth which,
but for your gravity we could not survive.

You can do this without us
we understand,
which is why we stand in awe still
that you’ve chosen otherwise.

That instead you have not only not left,
but you’ve come as close as we each allow.
In Emmanuel, God with us,
our unwrapping forever gift.

Oh, you can so do this without us.

Move the earth through its orbit,
the courses of the stars you keep on track.
The galaxies whose music you orchestrate,
sing from millennium to millennium.

That you would not just visit,
this one planet out of trillions,
but would form us each in your own image,
and then give to us your son.

Yes, what wonder is this,
that the smallest treasure laid in a haystack
is the maker and sustainer of all this,
and made his way to stay with us.

~ Ana Lisa De Long  (an extract from © ‘Poems for Contemplaton’)


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