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Mount St. Anne's Summer Retreats

Summer Retreats Mt. St. Anne’s

The following Summer Retreats are being offered by Mt. St. Anne’s Retreat and Conference Centre from June to August 2021. 

You are asked to note that the Centre is currently operating in compliance with the ongoing Covid-19 Government Restrictions. However, Mount St. Anne’s is happy to accept bookings for these Summer Retreats without a deposit at this stage.

As soon as travel regulations are clarified by the Government, bookings will be confirmed.

Please contact the Secretary in writing or by email (secretary@mountstannes.com).  Phone calls to 057-8626153 will be recorded and replied to in due course, but please leave your name and a contact number.

“Come Healing: The Splinters that we Carry”, with Fr. Vincent Sherlock.

Sunday 6th June – Friday 11th June, 2021.

Leonard Cohen’s lyrics speak of a need for healing, and seeking to move on, even in the shadow of the cross. In these days we will look at stories of healing, focusing on some of the healing of Jesus in the Gospels, and other stories of finding peace and strength in a challenging world.

Cost €460 Residential.  (See note above regarding booking deposit).

“To Walk Freely in Life in God’s Love”, with Fr. John Finn.

Friday 18th June – Thursday 24th June, 2021.

The continuous call of Jesus ‘that we might come into the love of God’ is central to Christian spirituality.  As we respond to this call, we are invited and challenged by Jesus Himself, to let go of the many certainties we have in life, and so open ourselves to a God who is present in all and to all.

Cost €550 Residential. (See note above regarding booking deposit).

“Let’s walk together now, help me to help, to grow and thrive. … I love your company dear friend and always will”, with Fr. Mike Serrage.

(Words from Brendan Kennelly).

Saturday 10th July – Friday 16th July, 2021.

An invitation to spend time being with the one who loves us and restores our hope and faith through the difficult time we are living through. In the words of Kennelly, can our hearts sing in harmony with the One who forever sings in us. This will be a time of silence with meditations and reflections.

Cost €550 Residential.  (See note above regarding booking deposit).

“And God Said …”, with Rev. Dr. Ruth Patterson.

Sunday 18th July – Saturday 24th July, 2021.

In the midst of all the clamour of different and often discordant voices in today’s world, it can be hard to discern the genuine, to know what is a Divine nudge or whisper and what is not. In this Retreat, using Scripture, Ruth will take us on a journey with some of those who, in the midst of the discordant voices of their day, ‘heard’ and obeyed.

Cost €550 Residential.  (See note above regarding booking deposit).

“And the word became Flesh…”, with Fr. Gerard McCarthy.

Tuesday 10th August – Monday 16th August, 2021.

The truth of God is revealed to us in and through the person of Jesus. It is a truth that has far-reaching implications for our lives as disciples. Let’s experience the significance of this on our Scripture-based retreat.

Cost €550 Residential.  (See note above regarding booking deposit).

“Hope, like every virtue, is a choice that becomes a practice that becomes spiritual muscle memory”,  with Fr. Charles Cross.

(Words from Krista Tippet).

Thursday 19th August – Wednesday 25th August, 2021.

The retreat will be a reflective moment in meeting fellow pilgrims from Sacred Scripture who travelled through life with hope in the presence of God even in their darkest moments. They are like the stars shining in the darkness. We need so much, in these unprecedented times, to be in touch with that spark!

Cost €550 Residential.  (See note above regarding booking deposit).

You can download the Information Sheet at this link Summer Retreat Programme Mt. St. Anne’s – June to August 2021

NOTE: Mount St. Anne’s Retreat and Conference Centre (established by the Presentation Sisters in Ireland) is located in the heart of the Irish midlands (Killenard, Portarlington, Co. Laois).  The Centre is committed to a spirituality of communion that seeks God in the inter-connectedness of all life and contributes to nurturing and supporting the creation of a more compassionate, just and sustainable world.

Mount St. Anne’s is currently operating in compliance with the current Government  COVID-19 restrictions and regulations and all bookings are managed accordingly.

Please feel free to share this information widely with anyone you feel may be interested.

See Mount St. Anne’s Website  Mount St. Anne’s Retreat & Conference Centre » Retreats and Courses

To download the information poster for June Programme see Copy of the summer retreat programme mount st. anne’s (1) pdf

For July Poster see V2 July summer retreat programme mount st. anne’s

For August poster see V2 August summer retreat programme mount st. anne’s


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