Summertime this year has been marked by the light and heat of the sun. The days are longer and warmer than we could ever imagine for an Irish summer.
In ancient cultures, people were closely connected to the seasonal cycles and rhythms. Noticing and responding to the different ‘beat’ of each season can enable us not only to flow with the nature of things —spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically – but also somehow help us see more clearly the beauty in all that surrounds us, and to connect with it. The busy summer months can also be a time of unexpected plans. May you find time and peace to rest in the rhythm of it all and find your ‘summer time’.
A Windy Day in Summer
The vex’d elm heads are pale with the view
Of a mastering heaven utterly blue;
Swoll’n is the wind that in argent billows
Rolls across the labouring willows;
The chestnut-fans are loosely flirting,
And bared is the aspen’s silky skirting;
The sapphire pools are smit with white
And silver-shot with gusty light;
While the breeze by rank and measure
Paves the clouds on the swept azure
~Gerard Manley Hopkins