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The first steps into religious life

Here are some steps to follow if you are discerning your vocation and thinking about religious life with Presentation Sisters.

Take time for personal prayer

Prayer is the foundation for discerning your vocation and deepening your relationship with Christ. The time spent in silence may be difficult, or even uncomfortable at first, but God speaks to you in the stillness of your heart. Do not be concerned with asking yourself “what should I do, or what should I be thinking,” but desire above all to be in God’s presence and allow God to be the one who acts.

Speaking with Vocation link sister 

The role of the Vocation link sister is to outline how the Accompaniment process works. She is here to help you further listen to what God is calling you, to answer your questions, and eventually discern whether or not you are being called to the community. Conversations with the Vocation link sister are informal and confidential. She may be contacted through social media, telephone or email.


Discerning the action of the Holy Spirit is much easier with spiritual guidance. The spiritual director’s primary role is to listen to the movement of grace in your life. The foundation of this relationship must be in trust and honesty. Whenever you place your trust in your spiritual director, it shows humility and a sincere desire to see clearly God’s will in your life. You will be introduced to a Presentation sister who is trained in Spiritual Accompaniment. You will meet her regularly over a six month period to explore your sense of calling and to grow in knowledge of the evolving way of life of Presentation Sisters.


Application to Candidacy Programme

Having completed a reflection on your calling, you may then be invited to apply to the Provincial Leader to begin a programme where you spend time getting to know Sisters and of being involved in the Presentation way of life.


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