This is an opportunity to participate in a song contest with a difference – as the song revolves around the theme of ‘vocation’.
The term vocation can be understood very broadly here: from the vocation to marriage and family, to priesthood and religious life, to the call of God to love and follow Him. It is concerned with the questions:
Where is my place? What is my path in life? What is God’s plan for me?
Your song should be thematically about vocation and explore these questions. The type of music is not limited or fixed to one genre and ranges from rock and pop, to worship, folk or classical music. However, the music should express what moves you in your heart.
Join a Free Webinar – Wednesday 30th June 2021
You are invited to participate in a fee Webinar on Wednesday 30th June 2021, which will help you learn more about how to write and submit your song for this year’s Vocation Music Award Song-writing Competition open to 18 to 35 year olds.
This Webinar will include inputs by Fr Willie Purcell (National Vocations Director) and Helena Connolly (AMRI Communications, and Singer/Songwriter).
To register for this Webinar go to
Datelines & submissions
Songs may be submitted up until July 31st via a mobile phone or camera video (one take – uncut); on YouTube/WeTransfer by submitting the link using the electronic application form.
For further details see Vocation Music Award – VMA UK/IRL ( and also
Vocations | Presentation Sisters Union North East Ireland (