Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants, and we advance social justice when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.
In 2013, migrant workers accounted for 150 million of the world’s approximately 232 million international migrants. Migrant workers contribute to growth and development in their countries of destination, while countries of origin greatly benefit from their remittances and the skills, yet the migration process implies complex challenges in terms of governance, migrant workers’ protection, migration and development linkages, and international cooperation.
The reality of Nano Nagle’s life was rooted in respect for the dignity of persons and for human rights. As an adult, her vision was one of empowering the disenfranchised through education, which in turn would lead to a more just and peaceful society where all could flourish and fulfil their potential. Promoting peace prevents the damage wreaked on people and the planet by conflict and war.
Today, those who walk in the footsteps of Nano are at the frontline of human rights activity, tackling inequality, creating awareness and taking action to influence global policy.
Flowing from our identity as Presentation people the mission of the International Presentation Association (IPA) is to channel our resources so that we can speak and act in partnership with others for global justice see: International Presentation Association . As Presentation people, we advance social justice when we contribute to removing the barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.
Indonesian Creed
I believe in God, who is love and who has given the earth to all people.
I believe in Jesus Christ, who came to heal us and free us from all forms of oppression.
I believe in the Spirit of God, who works in and through all who are turned towards the truth.
I believe in the community of faith, which is called to be at the service of all people.I believe in God’s promise to destroy the power of sin in all people and establish the reign of justice and peace for all humankind.
I do not believe in the right of the strongest, nor the force of arms, or the power of oppression.
I believe in human rights, in the solidarity of all people, in the power of non-violence.
I do not believe in racism, in the power that comes from wealth and privilege, or in any established order that enslaves.I believe that all men and women are equally human and that order based on violence and injustice is not order.
I do not believe that we can ignore things that happen far away.
I believe that the whole world is my home and that the field I plough and the harvest I reap belong to every person.
I do not believe that I can fight oppression far away if I tolerate injustice here.I believe that there is but one right everywhere and that I am not free if one person remains enslaved.
I do not believe that war and hunger are inevitable and peace unattainable.
I believe in the beauty of simplicity, in love with open hands, in peace on earth.
I do not believe that suffering need be in vain, that death is the end, that the disfigurement of our world is what God intended.But I dare to believe always and in spite of everything, in God’s power to transform and transfigure, fulfilling the promise of a new heaven and a new earth where justice and peace will flourish.
(Author of Creed Unknown – extract is from the Parish Resource Pack prepared for the World Day of Migrants & Refugees 2018 by the Immigrant Council of the Irish Bishops Conference
Note: The theme chosen for the 2018 UN World Day of Social Justice is: ‘Workers on the Move: the Quest for Social Justice’.